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C O R B A N S     E S T A T E    C O N S E R V A T I O N    P L A N

This report was commissioned by the Corban Estate Arts Centre (Waitakere Arts and Cultural Development Trust).


The Corban Estate property is on the edge of the Henderson Town Centre. The site is owned by the Waitakere City Council. The site is considered by the Waitakere City Council as a significant element in the future development of the Henderson Town Centre. The Corban Estate was the home, vineyard and winery of the Corban family. The patriarch of the family, Assid Abraham Corban, bought the property in 1902. He named the property Mt Lebanon Vineyards. Over time the family, with very hard work, developed the Corban winery. The Corban winery grew from very humble beginnings to be one of the foremost producers of quality wines in New Zealand. The family retained full ownership and control of the property and business until 1971, when an agreement was entered into with Rothmans Industries Ltd in order to raise capital for expansion. By 1975 ownership of Corbans Wines Ltd, and A.A. Corban & Sons Ltd had passed out of family hands. The property was sold by Rothmans to the Waitakere City Council in 1992. All the older buildings on the property are administered by the Corban Estate Arts Centre (Waitakere Arts and Cultural Development Trust). These are: the Homestead, the Garage, the Old Cellar and the Distillery. The rest of the property is administered by the property department of Waitakere City.

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