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P U K E K O H E    R A I L W A Y    S T A T I O N

The main trunk railway runs through the eastern side of Pukekohe Township. It is just to the side of the commercial centre. There is a broad area of rail yards between the town centre and the main tracks. The Pukekohe Railway Station is on the eastern side of the tracks. It is sited on an island platform between north and south bound tracks. It is accessed by pedestrian over bridge from Station Road. 


Land for the Pukekohe Railway Station was purchased in 1873 and the first station was constructed in 1874. The railway was a catalyst for the growth of the area and remains important to Pukekohe. The station represents this relationship. The existing Pukekohe Station was constructed in 1912 to replace the previous Vogel era station. The original station was retained as a goods shed.

The station building itself is a timber framed structure with generous stud height. The canopies are supported by a steel structure made from Railway track sections, typical of this type of station. The roof is of corrugated iron with galvanised flashings and internal guttering. The spouting is now PVC. The walls are clad in shiplap weatherboards with wide facings to openings and corners. The soffits are tongued + grooved boards. There is a large bevelled baseboard running around the perimeter of the walls at floor level. The joinery is double hung timber joinery with divided lights. The earliest windows have finer glazing bars. There are two louvered openings into the toilet area and three fixed windows in the southern end wall.

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